30 May 2008
Compassion & Empathy
It's interesting that human beings experience compassion and empathy towards such being's experiences within this world. The compassion and empathy 'felt', of the mind, to which they define themselves to be able to justify why they're not standing up and actually living the solution to as and for this world - because in accepting and allowing self to 'feel' compassion and empathy from the mind towards something or someone, beings then apparently 'care' and is a 'good person within' - yet, not doing anything practically within and as self to live as the solution to what has been done within and as this world = which is our responsibility.
Therefore, it is not about 'feeling' compassion and empathy towards something/someone, as this is separation and within this you're actually supporting the being's situation/experience as that which you're feeling compassion and empathy towards.
Because what you're actually doing within you is making a statement of fear - hoping that you don't ever have to experience this, and then 'hide your fear behind' the feeling of 'compassion' and 'empathy' of mind.
Therefore, as I have stated - it is not about 'feeling' compassion and empathy towards something/someone, but to when you see such abuse being accepted and allowed, to stand up within self realisation as you and live the statement: Till here no further - and stop the accepted and allowed abuse within you, yourself. Because abuse within this world exists, because we're accepting/allowing self abuse within and as ourselves.
I'd suggest then also, within this - observing how you've defined you according to having to 'feel' empathy and compassion - 'thinking'/believing that if you don't 'feel' empathy/compassion - you don't exist.
What is compassion within and as oneness and equality as life:
The living statement of self that you will not give up on you as all as one as equal - but do whatever it takes, risk everything - to ensure that all of you as all and everything that exists is here as life as all as one as equal - and not accepting/allowing anything less than who you really are here in every moment of breath = and so also within another as you.
I understand that the living statement of compassion seems 'way out there' - though you're able to start living compassion for you, yourself practically as it always starts within and as self, and self realise you as compassion, by not accepting and allowing anything less than who you really are in every moment of breath - meaning, self love = to not accept/allow the mind of thoughts/feelings/emotions to dictate to you who you are - you give you the opportunity to live you here self honestly
For how can you know what compassion really is - if you haven't yet lived compassion as the living statement of and as you in self honesty here...
Structural Resonance: Part Four (Phase 2) – by Veno (Continued)
Self forgiveness statements for 1.) FOREHEAD point and 2.) EYE points (continued)
B. Unconscious and Subconscious Mind Foundation manifestation Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘who I am’ according to a separate manifested constructed system as the mind consciousness structural resonance system – designed and created by and through me through my accepted and allowed permission.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that I give permission for my mind to exist and direct and control and influence and exist and live for and as me within and through and by my very participation within and as it
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that within this – I am responsible for all and everything of me, because I created and designed me through my accepted and allowed permission within participation of and as the mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear taking self responsibility for all and everything of me as what I have become and defined me to be and existing as through the mind – because of shame of what others, including myself, may think/say/do if they as I were to know what I have accepted and allowed me to be and become
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear facing my own shame
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear facing me by taking self responsibility for me, because I know that in taking self responsibility for me, for all and everything of me – I will have to stand and face all and everything of me as what I have accepted and allowed me to exist within and as = of the mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to shape and form the definition of me according to, through and as the mind – utilizing pictures, memories, emotions and feelings as the building blocks which manifest the entirety of me as how I designed and created me of within and as the mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my power away to the generators of consciousness systems of the mind as pictures, memories, emotions and feelings to which I have defined me, within which I participate through my accepted and allowed permission – fuelling generators of systems to exist for me, instead of me living here in self expression as self honesty in every moment of breath
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fuel the generators of the mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories and pictures to exist for me, to live for me = because I hide behind this within the fear and petrification of having to face me for what I have done and become and having to take self responsibility for all and everything of me as what I have accepted and allowed to exist, within and as through my accepted and allowed permission
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise, that by accepting and allowing the mind, the system to exist and live for me – I’m not here, I do not exist, it is the mind, the system that exists for me
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘see’ myself – not realising that in ‘seeing myself’ I must be looking ‘through something’ / ‘towards something’ / ‘at something’, which indicate separation.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that in the very act of ‘seeing myself’, I separate me from me, because it is not about ‘seeing myself’ – it is about me ‘being me here and trusting me to live me in self honesty here – no matter what’. Seeing self is a necessity of the mind to validate and confirm its own existence – that’s why mirrors exist. The mind wanting to see its own reflection to ensure it still exists.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to how I ‘see me’ / ‘look at me’ / ‘interpret me’ / ‘perceive me’ through the mind of thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to the interpretation and perception of me through the mind – within this, accepting and allowing me to exist but as a mere interpretation and perception of and as and through the mind
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that by the very act of seeing, looking, interpreting and perceiving me through the mind – I judge me, because I refer myself through the standards and expectations existent within and as the mind – the mind manifesting as the judge of me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept myself as only being a mere picture within a picture world, as I see and define and interpret and perceive me, through the mind with my human physical eyes, as being the reflection of me I see within the mirror.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that by defining me as being the picture I see within the mirror through my human physical eyes within the mind, I am no different to a picture as thought that exist within the mind, and I accept and allow me to exist and be but a thought within a system.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the existence and definition of me to be of the pictures I see through the mind with my human physical eyes – manifesting and creating me to be but the experience of a ‘pictured-thought’, as a ‘pictured-thought’ within a holographic illustrated world-system as the reflection of me as what I have accepted and allowed me to be and become
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be subject to, inferior towards and less than that which I see through the mind with my human physical eyes as this world and the environment within which I exist.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be controlled and influenced by that which I see with my human physical eyes within this world, through the mind.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that the pictured-reflection I see of me in the mirror is an example of how I am accepting and allowing what I see with my human physical eyes through the mind – to control and influence me, where what I see with my human physical eyes through the mind, becomes ‘more than me’
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that what I see with my human physical eyes, is what the mind sees within and as which I have accepted and allowed me to exist.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as that which the EYE(s) see through the mind and not living as ‘I am’ here in self honesty as life as all as one as equal
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that what I see with my human physical eyes, is the holographic manifested pictured presentation reflection of all and everything I have accepted and allowed me to exist within and as = of the mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form and manifest and create relationship ties/lines towards this world and all that exists within it – and not realising me here as one as equal as all as life, and that relationships in itself is separation, because within the very act of relationship, I ‘relate’ and in this ‘relation’ – we support each other as mind’s within this reality, this world as mind’s relate to each other within relationships to validate and confirm each other’s existence’s as mind’s defined
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that by accepting and allowing me to exist and define me according to the picture I see, I become the picture and manifest and create a picture-reality – one and equal to what I have accepted and allowed me to be and become – a picture experiencing itself within a picture-orientated reality
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that I become that which I define me as and I exist as that which I define me as – I become the definition I accept and allow me to be through the mind
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that within the very act of definition, of defining me within and as and through the mind – I manifest a ‘relationship connection’ – because defining me as/towards something or someone = separation, therefore it is to be undefined, not defining self towards something/someone, because in being life – I am one and equal as all that exists, herein is no definition = because I am.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manifest ‘relationships’ towards this world and all that exist within it, and within manifesting relationships ‘towards’ that which exist – I manifest separation of all and everything of and as me
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that within manifesting relationships ‘towards’ that which exists within this world as all that exists within this world, I manifest a ‘network’ of ‘connectivity’ – being connected to all that exists, manifesting relationship ties and lines to grasp and hold onto the defined existence of me as the mind to ensure I am able to through this, constantly and continuously validate, justify and excuse the existence of me as a mind, existing as a pictured-thought within a pictured-system
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me and exist within relationships towards all that exist within and as this world, and within this, accepting and allowing me to define me ‘through’ that which exist within this world as all that exist within this world – defining me according to the reflection of me as this world, this reality
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that I have accepted and allowed myself to be even ‘less than’ a thought, by defining me and existing as a reflection of the thought I have become – because I am accepting and allowing the reflection of me as and of this world to control and influence and direct me, which is why the thoughts in my mind seems ‘more than me’, because I am and have accepted me to be, less than a thought – by being and existing as but a mere reflection…
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the manifested reflection of me as this world, this reality, which I see with my human physical eyes through the mind, to control, influence and direct me, and by accepting and allowing this – I become the reflection that I am accepting and allowing to control, influence and direct me – existing within the exact state as the state of the world
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that all I have become is but a reflection, ‘less than’ a thought existent within my mind, because I have defined me, formed me, designed me, shaped me and created me according to the reflection of me I see, interpret and perceive with my human physical eyes through the mind as according to the reflection of me as this world as all and everything and everyone that exists within and as it
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to enslave me to the word ‘EYE’ which sounds like I – existing as the EYE of consciousness of mind, me and my world defined through that which I see with my human physical eyes, creating and designing me and the definition of me based on what the EYE of consciousness of mind see within and as and through which I have accepted and allowed me to exist
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the mind through the definition of me as EYE as being bound to the eternal enslavement on the cross-point placement allocation within the unified consciousness field grid-line of this world – as the allocation of me within and between all the relationship-ties connectivity towards this world, this reality and all and everything that exist within and as it
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be bound to and enslaved to the manifested allocation of me within this world through the mind, within all the relationship ties I have stringed together within me through the mind, towards all and everything that exist within this world and the environment within which I experience myself within this world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within relationships towards all and everything that exists within and as this world, to be connected to/towards all and everything that exists within this world, and within this, accepting and allowing me to exist within separation of me – because I am not living here, one and equal as all and everything that exist as me as life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to the relationship lines/ties I have manifested within me towards that which exists within this world, my world, the environment within which I experience myself within, in this world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to the relationship I have with my mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions and pictures directing and controlling and influencing me – living and existing for me, by and through my accepted and allowed participation
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to how I see me through the eyes of the world and through the eyes of other human beings
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me according to, through and as the reflection of me as this world and other human beings through defining me through how I see me through the eyes of this world and through the eyes of other human beings
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise, that through defining me through the eyes of the world and through the eyes of other human beings – I am defining me according to comparison and judgment, as I judge me within comparing me towards the world and towards other human beings, ‘strengthening’ so the relationship ties within and of the mind I have formed towards that which exist within this world – manifesting the ‘connection relationship ties/lines’, in separation, I have with/towards this world and all that exists within it – creating the unified consciousness field of mind – where all and everything is connected to and towards each other through ‘relationships’ – the ultimate manifested system of separation
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that existing within judgment and comparison towards someone/something within and as this world, is a means through which I support and strengthen my existence as a mind to secure my survival within this world, because within comparing me towards something/someone, I judge me to ‘change me’ according to the comparison – to be ‘better off’ and ‘more than’ that something/someone I compared me to – so existing within judgment and comparison is playing the game of being ‘ahead of the pack’ = survival, to not have to ‘bite off the dust’
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that existing within comparison and judgment is a means through which the mind operate to balance the polarity of inferiority and superiority within the world system, as being’s ‘purpose’ has become to strive for their own survival – not caring who/what they ‘harm’ on their why to their ‘goal’ / ‘achievement’ of ‘being more than and superior’ within the system, the world system
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise the ‘game the mind play’ within the construct of judgment and comparison, where when I compare myself towards another – I’m actually devising a plan/play within my mind to be ‘better than’ / ‘more than’ the being I compare me towards, and within this act of comparison, I accept and allow me to judge me, to exist within judgment towards myself – and comparison and judgment goes hand in hand in relationship with each other within the mind, within which I exist – to ensure my survival within the system to ‘reach the top’ to not be classified as ‘less than’ / ‘inferior’ / ‘lower class’ within the system
Next we will continue with the Structural Resonance: Part Four (Phase 3): 3.) NOSE point section
Events-orientated Experiences
Hi, my name’s Peter and I am here to share a perspective with regards to each one’s individual process and the nature of self forgiveness within it:
I am currently within my ‘wife’, her and her human physical body existing as me. I am ‘more here physically in this world’ at the moment than how I was when I was still here on earth in my human physical body!
I am experiencing the experience of a being as me – physically practical in this world, experiencing me more so than I have when I was here on earth in my human physical body: Fascinating!
So, I’m here to share what I have observed within the experience of me within the physical practically living here – and through observation realised with regards to the process each one will endure:
All and everything that you have accepted and allowed to be one with and equal to within yourself, as what you have defined you to be through the mind in separation, and through this definition, created for yourself to experience: Is already here, manifested within this reality, within ‘your world’ as the physical experience in this reality.
Therefore, what is done is done – already here manifested within yourself and ‘world world’ as the experience of you within yourself and as the experience of yourself within your world.
The mind is so infused within and as the physical human body – indicating the extent to the definition of self through and as the mind, that it’ll take actual events-orientated experiences in ‘your world’ to assist and support you to release the definition of you as the mind and stand up in self realization of common sense through self honesty.
Such ‘events-orientated experiences’ is that which has already been manifested through and by you, already done, already here – your creation, created through the definition of yourself as the mind – being the creator through that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to – manifesting within you and your world.
Due to the extent of the definition of self in accordance to the mind as indicated through the extent to which the mind is infused within the human physical body – self forgiveness will assist and support you in ‘preparing the way before you’ for ‘what is to be faced’ as ‘your creation’ – and to ‘walk through that which has already been done, that is already here, that is already manifested, that is already created’ – but cannot be denied, avoided or run away from, and must be faced.
Self forgiveness applied in self honesty is the process whereby you assist and support you to stand within yourself and face and walk through ‘your creation’, you as creator through the mind created. Because self forgiveness will assist and support you to stand and embrace that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to – and within this standing up and embracing – to have the strength, courage and will – to walk no matter what the experience to come and will be.
And to when the experience come, that is the ‘events-orientated experience’ as the manifested creation, created by you the creator through that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to through the definition of you as the mind – you identify the cause, the origin of how and why you manifested this particular experience – and within identifying the cause, the origin, you stop within yourself and no more accept and allow you to participate within the starting point or reason that manifested this particular experience that you are facing and walking through – to not again create a creation such as this.
Realise that identifying the cause, the origin of an ‘events-orientated experience’ which you’ll face and walk through can only be done in self honesty. This is also the case with standing up and embracing that which you have accepted and allowed to manifest and create. Thus standing up and embracing is the expression of taking self responsibility through stopping. All this is done through applying self forgiveness.
So, understand that – there’s nothing that you can do to ‘lessen the effect or change or alter or stop’ what has and is already been done, manifested and created, because it’s already here physically designed as and within you and your world.
The only way human beings, I have realised, will self realise – is through events-orientated experiences in ‘your world’, and walking through them and facing you in self honesty, standing up, identifying the why’s and how’s and stopping – self forgiveness assisting and supporting you within this, because of the extent to which the mind is ingrained within the nature, the beingness of and as self.
So, be prepared – because you will either walk through your creation as events-orientated experiences to come in self awareness, practically assisting and supporting you in self realization as you face you, or you will stumble and fall and the events-orientated experiences will compound and intensify and worsen, until you self realise you, that you are self responsible and the creator of the creation that you created by you and is and will be experiencing – and that you must stop within and as you and your world.
I share this with you, from what I have experienced as me as ‘my wife’ – there’s quite a way ahead of us – so let’s get this done, for there is no need for ‘time-loops’ which will only make everything and all else of this entire process much ‘longer, outstretched and grueling’ – let’s prepare the way before us with self forgiveness, assisting and supporting in self honesty, standing up and embracing - to finally put a stop to all of this. To finally put a stop to the desire of existing through being a creator, creating a creation as the design of the mind.
29 May 2008
Worrying loop
Somewhere in the last few days (or maybe before) I lost myself in 'worrying' - at first only occasionally, but by not paying attention to it and therefore not directing myself - I am in this loop now - the worrying loop.
I am worrying myself with what terrible things could happen to Dj, to the cats - allowing many pictures in my head, movies, where they are overrun by cars, drowning in the swimmingpool, Dj getting kidnapped and abused/killed, cats getting poisened, the 'puppy'birds in the nest in my garden being killed by the cats etc. Dj getting very ill and dying. These movies pop up in my head and terrify me...
And then there is the future picture of what 'happens' with me when Dj should be gone - can I survive it/ do I want to/how would I manage that?
I can see Dj is my lifeline - without him I would drown/get lost in this world. How would I, could I go on living without him?
will continue later
hahahaha, was reading on the forum and here's a quote from B:
"so be not concerned-if you are HERE-you are not dead yet "
27 May 2008
laptop is back :)
Geschiedenis van de mensheid 5 - De aarde wordt driedimensionaal
Ik ga je vertellen over de aarde en de zwaartekracht en hoe deze wereld een gemanifesteerde expressie werd dankzij de kern en het principe van zwaartekracht dat door alles waaruit dit hele universum/sterrenstelsel bestaat, tot één gemanifesteerde vorm vloeit.
De Atlantiërs waren een redelijk massief ras, ze hadden massa, ze waren het meest uitgebreide ras dat bestond in,.. het totale bestaan in die tijd. Uiteraard was Anu nieuwsgierig en hij vroeg hen hoe dat kwam. Ze zeiden dat ze niet dood gingen. Ze waren in staat om zich te manifesteren als verschillende uitdrukkingen van zichzelf, die je kon waarnemen als kindexpressie van de Atlantiërs.
Anu vroeg: “Doen jullie dit met bewuste gewaarwording?”. En de Atlantiërs zeiden: “Ja, we hebben ontdekt dat we feitelijk in staat zijn onszelf te ontwerpen en in dat ontwerp worden we verschillende expressies. We zijn verschillend, maar we zijn toch dezelfde en één.” Dus het Atlantische ras zelf begreep éénheid en gelijkheid redelijk goed, ook al vermenigvuldigden ze zichzelf. Het was niet echt vermenigvuldigen, maar ze ontwierpen kindexpressies van zichzelf die opgroeiden tot verschillende expressies. En Anu was er natuurlijk nieuwsgierig naar en wilde weten hoe dit precies werkte.
Gedurende een lange periode verbleef Anu bij de Atlantiërs en kwam te weten hoe hun creatieve vermogen werkte. Door de tijd heen, als je het tijd wil noemen, werd de aarde steeds massiever als vaste materie. Maar er deed zich iets interessants voor. De Atlantiërs zelf werden geen vaste materie. De Annunaki, die bepaalde dingen manifesteerden, werden ook geen vaste materie, behalve het goud natuurlijk.
Toen begon het land zich te manifesteren en van daaruit begon de aarde zich eigelijk te ontwikkelen, als je het zo wilt benoemen. Wanneer alles zich meer en meer vanuit het midden (van de aarde) begon te manifesteren, begon alles zich te manifesteren. Maar alleen datgene dat van deze planeet was. Dus niet de wezens zelf, toch was er “zwaartekracht”. De Atlantiërs dachten na over de situatie. Hoe de Atlantiërs zich manifesteerden, als je het zo wil noemen, was als het ware door het water, door klank/geluid. Ze maakten gebruik van water als klankbeweging om zichzelf te manifesteren, met andere woorden, ze waren van water, van geluid. Dus het was voor hen betrekkelijk eenvoudig om zich hier op aarde te manifesteren, omdat hun expressie van water die van geluid is.
Nu maak ik sprongen in de tijd om uit te leggen hoe alles zich begon te manifesteren, zoals planten en bomen, daarop kom ik zodadelijk. Dinosaurussen bestonden echt en ook zoiets als de evolutie van de mensheid, maar niet als een evolutionair proces. De mensheid werd op een specifieke manier ontwikkeld en als het niet werkte, werden ze verwijderd. Dan werd de mensheid op een andere manier gemaakt en dat werkte ook niet en werden weer verwijderd. Het was helemaal geen evolutieproces. Evolutie begon,….hoe zat het ook al weer…..Ik kom er nog op terug. Laat ik verder gaan.
Dus Anu merkte op dat alles zich begon te manifesteren en vroeg zich af wat hier in aan de hand is. En de Atlantiërs legden exact uit wat ze deden, want ze wisten precies wat ze gingen doen en ze wisten exact waarom ze alles manifesteerden. De Atlantiërs konden niet bevatten waarom zijzelf niet manifesteerden. Ze wilden hier erg graag manifesteren samen met hun expressie, die deze planeet is. En dan kwam Anu met een idee. Hij zei het volgende:”Als ik naar dit goud kijk, is dit goud zich samen met deze Aarde aan het manifesteren. Ik maak gebruik van componenten van deze Aarde-planeet,”… het heette toen nog niet Aarde, het was….ik kom nog terug op de naam…Ik kom nog wel op de naam.
Dus, goud is zich echt aan het manifesteren, maar wat betekend dat? Als we datgene gebruiken dat van deze planeet is, zijn we misschien in staat om iets te ontwerpen dat voor ons manifesteert, zodat wij hier ook kunnen manifesteren. De Atlantiërs vonden dat wel een goed idee. En met dat voorstel,… Anu en de Atlantiërs wilden beiden graag manifesteren. Anu zei:” Luister hier eens naar. Als Ik dit voor jullie ontwerp, mag ik hier dan ook manifesteren?” De Alantiërs dachten na en opnieuw zeiden ze:”Nee, dit is onze planeet. We danken je voor je inbreng en assistentie, maar toch nee, dit is onze planeet. Jij bent jouw ras en wij zijn dat van ons, we hebben onze afspraak, jij hebt je goud. Wat heb je nog meer nodig?” en toen kwam hij ermee voor de draad en zei:”Ik wil eindeloos blijven bestaan.” Ze zeiden:”Dat is onmogelijk.” Hij zei:” Nee, ik zal jullie laten zien dat het mogelijk is.” En de Atlantiërs zeiden:” Ok, we zullen met jou een afspraak maken. Als jij datgene manifesteert, dat toelaat ons op deze gemanifesteerde planeet tot in het oneindige in stand te houden, mag jij vormen manifesteren die in staat zijn om hier goud voor jou te delven.”
Het volgende moment dook er een probleem op. Op het moment dat het goud zich manifesteerde en de Annunaki waren nog interdimensionaal hadden ze een specifiek probleem om het goud op te halen.
Ok, dit is Jack en ik leg jullie zodadelijk uit hoe dat gebeurde.
Vertaling: Iris
20 May 2008
The biter and the bitten
See the snake and its secret
it is the biter and the bitten
a polarity that play out for eternity--equal and one--the biter becomes the bitten and the bitten becomes the biter and in this all gets BITTER
now--the thing that makes the mind zing
if you are neither the biter or the bitten this life--by virtue of allowing such cycle to exist--you are locked into the eternal cycle of life--to become equal and one both the biter and the bitten because you allowed it in another --who is really allowing it to exist in you
this is what must be stopped--because this is how our bitterness became demons as ourselves and how we manifested a mind to manage and forget--because we were trapped in this cycle--unable to give up the good times when it arrives and unwilling to see how we participate and create both the biter and the bitten--this is why self forgiveness in all ways is necessary--to have one point where we are all equal and one in understanding and self honesty to make sure we do not deceive ourselves through pretense == because no matter who we deceive--see--it is ALWAYS ONLY OURSELVES
thus no deception but self deception is ever possible--therefore I have never held any deception against another--but simply stop it in me--and do what must be done to stop me as both the biter and the bitten--in this--the snake will become extinct--because there is no point for me as the snake as a cycle--because by being a snake--I allow the rat to exist to feed the snake--and the poison to exist to defend me as the snake
there is insight here for those that see
19 May 2008
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge looking at my reflection in windows in public as vain and superficial and do not allow myself to look freely whenever I want to or whenever I catch my reflection.
I forgive myself for not accepting and not allowing myself to enjoy my reflection freely.
I forgive myself for not accepting and not allowing myself to let others watch their reflection freely, without judging them as vain and superficial, and/or insecure people that depend on how they look for their selfconfidence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge me as a superficial being occupying myself with such superficial thoughts as judging others as superficial because of their vanity.
I do enjoy the inno'sense' of young children though when looking at themselves in a mirror. I do allow them to enjoy it without judging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make a distinction between adults and children merely because of their age.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be in and of the mind and therefore contribute to the abuse in existence in general and enslaving myself and others in the beautysystem specific.
lol I do see where I am coming from - comparing myself to my mother - whom I judge as super superficial because of her participation in the beautysystem. And because I felt like I could never compete with her beauty, I condemned it as stupid lol And me being, of course, not stupid but intelligent, I had a weapon to defeat her with my intellect. By condemning her and her beautysystem life as stupid hahaha condemning myself at the same time to not be of the beautysystem, which means I am still veryvery much of it. And of the intellect system, so two in one - beauty versus intellect. And so I lost the war lol.
16 May 2008
without electricity etc
Baking bread in an oven is very inefficient cooking.
If fuel or electricity to run your oven becomes a problem, another way of baking bread is flat bread in a shallow iron pan or iron plate.
Make the dough of only wheat, water and salt. No yeast!
Take a piece of dough about half the seize of an egg and roll it flat with a roller pin or even a bottle will do. Make the shape round and thin like a paper.
Iron absorbs heat very quickly. Therefore try to find an iron pan. Indian grocery stores will sell the "tava", a flat iron pan for baking breads.
No oil or butter needed. Bake the flat bread in a dry pan one minute each side untill it puffs up. This is the Indian "capati" resembling the thicker Mexican wraps. You can easily fill the bread with cooked or raw vegetables. Tastes good and is fast cooking with the least of energy or fuel.
The Indians are survivalists. I've learned a lot of them.
Another tip.
Save your old kitchen frying oils in a container. Whenever you need to make a fire take a cast iron pan - a Chinese wok - put small pieces of wood inside the pan on top of a piece of paper and pour some oil on top. This will easily ignite your fire and by dripping oil into the fire now and then it will keep it going for a long time.
Place a grid on top of the wok or three metal pins and place your cooking pot on the grid above the fire!
Place the wok between four bricks to prevent burning the floor inside your house or the grass outside.
If you cannot find any wood you can also take dried cow dung mixed with straw. Cow dung will burn very slowly and steadily. One cake will burn about 4 to 6 hours. Cow dung is anticeptic.
a magenesium stick, produces a hot white flame. you have ti scrape some magnesium of your magnesium stick and then some wood with it and you can make a fire that way. On the magnesium stick i have there is one side for creating flame and other side to scrape off the magnesium. Its a survival tool for backpacking
yea there is a strip of flint on the magnesium bar, and you ignite the magnesium by scraping the flint to make sparks! http://media.rei.com/media/407152Prd.jpg
11 May 2008
Focussing on physical body...
Yesterday, i've used that 'technique' again and it left me feeling as if all of my body became one entity - as if i no longer reserved my attention/'pressence of being' to be only focussed within and as my head and thus reintergrated the fullness of my physical body as the 'full presence of me'. In a way, the focus and attention that i bring unto myself by the act of 'giving my physical body full attention' seems to 'regenerate' at a celular level, the memory of beingness from depths of self that i for too long neglected. So, to 'give full attention' back to the rest of my physical body seems to have given me a new found strenght and determination that i feel as a 'burning sensation' that permeates all of my physical body where the chest area acts as the central hub.
I really feel as if i have renewed myself through that 'technique' that generally consists of me scanning the fullness of my physical body by thouroughly focussing on each part of my body from toe to head in an intergral fashion.
Is that form of activity of the mind consciousness system or is it an expression of self through "meta-linguistic" means?
A. A few points to consider:
1. ‘...attention directed towards and within the physical body...’: Herein, you’re separating you from attention, projecting you as attention outwards towards something and outwards into something. Instead of realising, I am attention here as me in and as breath, to ensure I do not accept or allow thoughts, emotions or feelings to divert my attention. I live attention here as me.
2. ‘...the 'movement from within'...’: This is not SELF movement. An example of SELF movement would be, for example, where you experience yourself being an ‘emotional wreck’. Then realise: ‘But ‘this is not who I am’’ and stop in the moment. The point of realising ‘this is not who I am’ is self honesty and then self movement would be the practical application of stopping. This is an example of practical self movement within self honesty. Another example would be you sitting on a chair reading, experiencing thirst, and decide within you to have a glass of water. Then you actually stand up from your chair and provide you with a glass of water. This is and example of practical self directive, self movement here in 3D. Therefore, self movement is when you direct yourself in a moment – and not accept or allow you to be directed by or through ‘external forces or manifestations’ such as the mind.
3. ‘...the 'movement from within' that i generate through focus and concentration...’: Generating movement through focus and concentration, herein you are ‘creating movement’ through the mind by ‘generating movement’ within you by ‘using’ focus and concentration in separation of you by having a starting point of ‘intent’. Your ‘intent’ within utilizing the ‘technique’ is to ‘accomplish something’ or ‘accomplish an experience’ through the technique. The starting point isn’t you, here as self, I me, but intent and this is where the separation exist. Then, within the starting point of ‘intent’, you ‘project that which you want to accomplish as an experience’, and then ‘use’ focus and concentration in separation of you, to manifest the creation of that which you projected into the future to experience.
4. ‘...left me feeling as if all of my body became one entity...’: Specific words: ‘feeling as if’. Herein an indication that the experience wasn’t SELF, I, ME one and equal here. It was a ‘feeling’ or ‘experience’ you had in separation of you. See: Your focus was on an experience you had. Describing the experience, which was the manifestation of the creation you initiated within the starting point of intent, designed through using focus and concentration in separation of you.
5. ‘...as if i no longer reserved my attention/'pressence of being' to be only focussed within and as my head and thus reintergrated the fullness of my physical body as the 'full presence of me'.’: The ‘reintegration’ you experienced is you ‘integrating’ into the creation you manifested through intent in separation of you. Instead of you being the human physical body here as self in and as breath. Therefore, the experience will seem ‘more than’. Herein the indication that this is a mind-manifestation: Experiencing something ‘more than’ the simplicity of self here, in and as breath. Understand that whenever you experiencing something ‘more than’ self here in and as breath: It is a mind-energetically charged manifestation that you are experiencing, which will eventually ‘dissipate’.
6. 'In a way, the focus and attention that i bring unto myself by the act of 'giving my physical body full attention...': Here: ‘brining focus and attention unto self’. The question is: ‘From where do you bring the focus and attention from?’ and: ‘How can you ‘bring something unto you’, if you are it? The sentence within which you described your experience indicate the separation of you from focus and attention, as though ‘fetching’ focus and attention ‘from somewhere’ as an ‘ingredient’ to be used to ‘manifest a creation in separation of you’ through the mind.
You are ‘using a technique’ ‘on or towards’ your human physical body, within the starting point of separation as ‘intent’: ‘Intending towards a result’. Then within this starting point of intent as ‘projecting towards a goal or accomplishment to be achieved’, you will ‘create an experience’ through your intent. Though, what you will realise is that you will not be able to ‘maintain’ or ‘sustain’ this experience you manifested as the creation of ‘being one with your human physical body’, because it’s dependent on ‘focus and concentration’ of and through the mind, that generate ‘energy’ and present you with a particular experience. And the mind, through energy, can only sustain itself for so long…
Realise, that by using this technique, you are actually manifesting the separation of you from the human physical body, through having an ‘experience of being one with and as the human physical body’ instead if actually being the human physical body.
Realise that self is the human physical body, I am the human physical body. And if self, you, I is here in self presence in and as breath, then self, you, I is here one and equal with and as the human physical body.
Within this, to be one and equal with and as the human physical body, is to be one and equal with and as self here in and as breath, because self is the human physical body.
Bruce L.
10 May 2008
The laptop sanctuary
The laptop, yeah, the laptop means a lot to me - it is what in earlier days my diary meant to me - a place to be unconditionally me: to write of my stuff, to learn and study, to question me&all, to comfort me, to face me, to be at ease with me, to be alone with me. Of course there are the vids made by other beings, the Desteni forum - so not alone, but yet alone because it is up to me when. More control? Yes, so I don't have to be at guard that much.
I had to adjust, me without the laptop. Felt uncomfortable without this sanctuary. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't find a way to comfort me; so now I am sitting on the couch, the monitor of the desktop in front of me on the coffeetable, the wireless keyboard on my lap - almost like a laptop :)
So the laptop means a lifeline to me. Yet another system need.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create the need for a sanctuary in order to feel protected from other peoples judgements and interference. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear and feel disturbed by other peoples judgements, opinions. interference and needs. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to live the polarity of needing/not needing other people. I forgive myself for not accepting and not allowing myself to love and live totally and unconditionally 'my own person', out of fear to be left on my own. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear being left on my own. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to be left on my own but fearing it at the same time.
Yes, I do want to be 'left' on my own. I do not like all this interference from other people. But why am I bothered that much? Influenced that much by it? Shoot, I can't get it clear, while it is so obvious at the same tme.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get 'confused' when not really wanting to face something. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create this 'me as a hermit' reality to escape from other peoples interference. I forgive myself for not accepting and not allowing myself to stand up and be me, out of fear of not being liked, out of fear of not being a 'nice, likeable person', out of fear of hurting someone and not being nice, loving, caring, while in truth I do not give a shit. Anymore.
I am not sure how valid my caring was before, but I notice a change in me lately - I do not care that much anymore about other people's misery. I still act somewhat like I do, but no - I don't give a damn. So this picture of me is outdated lol.
Have to take this in - me not caring.

09 May 2008
Why self forgiveness?
The application of self forgiveness is to point by point remove all constructs of the mind within us. Simply being aware of the mind does not stop it, and simply being aware of the constructs and systems within us does not remove them, for they are manifested within us as us as what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be, and everything within us will remain and compound until we stand up and apply ourselves in every moment, to actually remove those constructs through self forgiveness.
So, this is not an easy process and it requires dedication to self, in the realization that each of us is absolutely responsible for everything that we are and have become, and that we are each absolutely responsible for changing ourselves - again, not just becoming aware of what is within us, but removing it, stopping it through self corrective application in every moment through writing and speaking self forgiveness.
08 May 2008
Common Sense
Self honest common sense – stopping personal participation in all systems that violates life as equal and one for all to end the proliferation of the abuse by definition of the living word
System common sense – is to define reality in a way that self is protected in a bubble of security while thousands die every day
Self honest common sense – is the realization that one must change your own life and step outside the bubble, that you cannot blow the bubble into another form to try and keep your protective self interest validated
Please share your insights and observations, about what is self honest common sense and what is system common sense – that this point may be practically clarified and purified.
Understand that if one is not actually practically self honestly changing your world into self honest common sense for all life – words flowing from self will justify system common sense and no change will happen
feeling centered
To take into consideration not to have 'being centered' manifest as 'neutrality' as the 'balance point' as 'center point' within and as the mind consciousness system between the two polarity opposites within which the mind consciousness system exist.
The 'finding the center of self-teachings' / 'being centered-teachings' found in spirituality/meditation - actually access the center point of the mind consciousness system - leaving the being 'centered within the center point of their mind consciousness system' - presenting the illusion of 'stability'. When they're merely 'balanced' / 'centered' within and as the center point of the mind consciousness system, centered between and within the polarity construct manifestation within and as the mind.
The Organic Robot: Part 1
by Jack
The flesh, the human physical body that is of the earth. A natural manifested expression that is one and equal with and as this physical manifested existence.
The system, the mind consciousness system as the pre-programmed manifestation within and as which you, the being, exist.
Within you, the being, amalgamated within and as the mind consciousness system, whereby the mind consciousness system is amalgamated within and as the human physical body: Herein the description, the definition of you, the human being as an Organic Robot.
The ‘three in one’: You, the being within the mind consciousness system, the mind consciousness system within the human physical body, the ‘holy trinity’, the manifested triangular formation as the primary construct within which and through which the mind consciousness system exist and create.
The ‘creator’, you are, within existing within and as this triangular formation, the three in one as you the being, existing within and as a mind consciousness system, the mind consciousness system existing within and as the human physical body. Creating, through existing within and as this ‘holy trinity’, this ‘holy fuck-up’, as this world, this reality we have defined as ‘creation’. The creator, creating the creation within and as which we exist as this world, this reality.
The mind consciousness system is the manifested design of the unified consciousness field, which is equal to and one with this world as ‘how it exists’. Meaning that the mind consciousness system is the manifested design of the unified consciousness field within and as which you exist within and as this world.
Herein, with the mind consciousness system being amalgamated within and as the human physical body – the human physical body becomes the physical manifestation of and as the unified consciousness field, within and as which you exist, through which you create and manifest the unified consciousness field as this world, this reality.
The human physical body was constructed to embody the mind consciousness system. Meaning that the particular design of and as the human physical body, was designed in the ‘image and likeness’ of the mind consciousness system. To ‘house’ the mind consciousness system.
Herein, each organ within and as the human physical body represents a ‘part of the world system’, within and as this reality within which you exist.
So, the unified consciousness field within and as the design and manifestation of the mind consciousness system within and as which you, the being exist, manifest the unified consciousness field without as the world system, within and as which you, the being, exist.
Within this document, I will be explaining, describing and giving perspective of how the human physical body, especially the organs within, in relation to the design and manifestation of the mind consciousness system within and as which you participate: Is creating the manifested unified consciousness field as this world system, this reality, within and as which you exist.
We’re starting with the HEART ORGAN:
To be continued…
The Organic Robot: Part 2
Before I continue, I am further explaining how the ‘human physical body’ itself is a ‘natural manifested expression’ that is one with and equal to this physical manifested existence. Yet, the design thereof, being one with and equal to the design of the mind consciousness system which exist within and as the human physical body.
Understand that the mind consciousness system was designed and constructed first. As the ‘operational system’ that would ‘operate’ the world system as this reality within which you exist.
The human physical body was designed and constructed to embody the mind consciousness system through which you would, and do, manifest this world system.
The operator as you, the being within the mind consciousness system, operating through definition and participation of and as self as the mind consciousness system, the operation as the world system.
The creator as you, the being within the mind consciousness system, creating through definition and participation of and as self as the mind consciousness system, the creation as the world system.
That which the human physical body consists of – the ‘fabric’, the ‘essence’ of the human physical body, the ‘flesh’, is that which is one with and equal to this physical manifested existence and is why I state that the human physical body is a ‘natural manifested expression’. Because the ‘fabric’, the ‘flesh’ as that which the human physical body consist of and exist as is of the earth.
The design of the human physical body, the placement of the organs and the form within which they exist, was placed and formed one with and equal to the design of the mind consciousness system. This done, to perfectly position the mind consciousness system within and as the human physical body in accordance to the positioning, formation, placement and design of the organs within and as the human physical body.
As we continue within this document, you will, for yourself, understand how the human physical body was designed to embody the mind consciousness system. Though realise, that the human physical body in itself as that which it consist of and exist as, is of the earth, a ‘natural manifested expression’ that is one with and equal to this physical manifested existence.
The design of the heart organ of the human physical body, exist as the design of the ‘heart of the world-system’. The design of the ‘heart of the world-system’ is the generation and movement of and as money, which is the ‘money-system’ in its entirety.
See: The design of the heart organ = the design of the ‘heart of the world system’, the design of the heart of the world system’ is the money-system, and the very movement and generation of money within and as this world. Money which is the manifested life-force of the world-system, that which support the very existence of the world system. As the heart-organ is the manifested life force of and as the human physical body, that which support the very existence of the human physical body.
Therefore, the heart-organ as manifested life force of the human physical body, is designed one with and equal to the ‘heart of the world system’ as the ‘money system’, the manifestation of money, and the movement and generation thereof – the manifested life force of and as the ‘world-system’.
The money-system’s existence within the world-system, the continued generation and movement of money itself within this world-system, is manifested through human beings’ participation in sexual intercourse.
When two human beings engage within sexual intercourse, specifically male and female – within the moment of penetration, the moment the penis connect with the vagina, is the moment the ‘heart of the world system’ as the ‘money system’ within and as the design of the heart-organ of the human physical body is ‘activated’.
This activation is initiated through a circular formation manifesting, that run through both the male and female’s human physical bodies’. This circular formation ‘runs through’ both the male and the female’s heart and the ‘tip’ of where the penis and the vagina ‘connect’.
It is through this circular-formation construct which ‘connect’ the male and female systematically as one for a moment, that manifest the continuation of the cycle of the existence of the money-system within and as the world system, through the physical act of sex. And this is how it works:
The male and female, within the experience of sexual intercourse – generate an orgasm through the movement of their physical bodies together. Generating the orgasm – is one with and equal to the generating of money within and as the world-system.
The movement of the blood within and as the human physical body, during the manifestation of generating the orgasm, is one with and equal to the movement of money within and as the world-system – the generation and movement of money within and as the world system initiated through the generating of orgasm together with the movement of blood within and as the human physical body.
The generating of orgasm together with the movement of blood ‘runs through, within and as’ the ‘circular formation construct’ that ‘connect’ the male and female through the ‘tip’ of the connection of the penis and the vagina and both the male and the female’s heart. It is the very ‘generating of the orgasm’ and the intensity of the movement of the blood – both together during sexual intercourse – that ‘powers’ the manifested life force of the human physical body as the heart, as the manifestation of the life force of the ‘world system’ as the ‘money-system’.
To be continued…