27 November 2011

2011 Celebrity Sex

Sharon Stone_William Baldwin EQUAL MONEY
This is Shi and I am here to speak about the celebrity sex. 
Our celebrity sex create the inner sex demon. So how does that work? It works as follows: young people are dumb. Why do I say that young people are dumb? They're dumb from the perspective that they are numb in not realizing what the television is actually programming inside them. Dumb from the perspective of when they sit in front of the television they become numb; enthralled, consumed by the pictures that television presents. But again who is responsible for their dumbness, it's the education system that children go through, unfortunately - very sad.
Young people sit in front of the television and they're watching movies. Now they've got their celebrities icons, they got their celebrities idols, which they prefer, which they enjoy. Of course this is about the beauty and glamour and the perfect picture presentation of the being which they enjoy. And so the being sits and they become enthralled, consumed by the pictures that are presented on the television. And then sexual intercourse is obviously inevitable in all picture presented television shows or movies about the starting of the relationship when the two beings finally fall in love.
frame2And then what happens is these children watch these movies, or young people, and they see how the bodies move, how the touch go, how the male touches the female, how the female rubs her physical body unto the male, and it is all beautifully presented into perfect picture presentation on the television.
And then the implants occur because the moment the child merely in, or the young person, merely in their mind sais the following words: I wish to experience that or I would like to experience that or Wow, that looks amazing - any words to that extent. And the system integrates into the child, or into the young person. And so a desire is created within the young people or the child, desiring to experience this sexual intercourse with either male or female, male male or female female. Whatever the persons unfortunate various mind conscious system implant was attuned to.
And in this child or young person now has this design within them that exist which they wish to fulfill and so they know they have to start a relationship to be able to experience this with a partner.
It's got absolutely nothing to do with beings are in a relationship with partners - it's got to do with that sexual desire within them created from the television.
And I am able to say to you this very moment that all relationships that exists is because of a desire that have been installed when you were younger by watching television or even hearing the words of others communicating.
Relationships are not an expression at all. This world is not an expression: this world is a systems of activations and installations and activations, just like relationship as the starting point of the desire of sex which is an installation from television and then the activation of a desire which requires to be fulfilled.
And so that's how relationships are formed by the starting point of television and human beings as young people who adore their celebrities. Celebrities are the ignition. Ignition, installation and activation.
Thank you very much, this is Shi.

We Destonians stand for the removal of this Money-Profit-God from the face of the Earth that always place money first and beings needs last. By implementing a new system, Equal Money, every single human being on this Earth will be provided with the basic needs, like food, housing, clothes, education, health care – equally. No one will have more or less. Removing the fear of survival (where money and profit comes in and with that in-equality because some have it all, and most have nothing: no food, shelter, medical care, education…) because survival is been taking care of. We will be free to express ourselves as we are. And profit making will be something of the past – gone – exit – basta
Visit Desteni and do your research on the guidelines for Equality and learn how to apply them. Also visit our Destonians Wiki on Wikipedia for an overview of what being a Destonian means.

22 November 2011

2011 Will dead lines still exist in an Equal Money System?

time EQUAL MONEYThere will still be tasks that have to be done in a specific point in time, but there will be no more stressing about it because people will do their tasks in the set time; they will realize procrastinating is not in the best interest of themselves, nor in the best interest of All. Because of the stress when you have to hurry hurry to get things done and because there is always the chance you won’t be able to finish your task within time schedule – which may cause harm to other living beings.

Like for instance: you can’t postpone getting your pets food from the shop because not having your pets supplied with food will harm them. So you just make sure you do get their food in time.
Procrastinating might also lead to a qualitative lesser result – which is not acceptable when it is from the starting point of not giving your best – like with procrastination.

When you realize you are unable to finish in time – you will act responsible and ask for support of other beings, and work together to get ‘the job done’ in time. The best interest of All will always come first.
In an Equal Money Society the basic principle will be “do unto another what you would like to be done to you” – simple and clear, no back doors. Love your neighbor as yourself.

We Destonians stand for the removal of this Money-Profit-God from the face of the Earth that always place money first and beings needs last. By implementing a new system, Equal Money, every single human being on this Earth will be provided with the basic needs, like food, housing, clothes, education, health care – equally. No one will have more or less. Removing the fear of survival (where money and profit comes in and with that in-equality because some have it all, and most have nothing: no food, shelter, medical care, education…) because survival is been taking care of. We will be free to express ourselves as we are. And profit making will be something of the past – gone – exit – basta
Visit Desteni and do your research on the guidelines for Equality and learn how to apply them. Also visit our Destonians Wiki on Wikipedia for an overview of what being a Destonian means.


19 November 2011

2011 Will marriage still exist in an Equal Money society?

rings marriage EQUAL MONEY
In the system as it is right now people get married for economic, social or legal reasons, or/and out of ‘love’.
In an Equal Money society every single person, will have all their basic needs met. This is a basic right for every human being on this planet. The plain fact that a being exist gives it the right to food, housing, health care, education etc. So the family as an economic unit will cease to exist and with that the reason for marriage. No woman in the world will be dependent on marriage for food or a roof over her and her children’s head. No child in the world will be dependent on the family unit for food, clothes, shelter for that matter.
Marriage for legal reasons like for instance buying a house or land to will to the children will also no longer be valid. Because there will be no ownership of any kind – in the transition and B.I.G period there still will be ownership but eventually this will end. You will have a house you can call your home and you can live their all your life if you want to, but when you die it will be distributed in a way that is best for all.
Also: the point of wanting to own land or a home or to save up for the children for their studies for instance - is out of fear for their survival: no need for that in an Equal money system because they are taken care of – in all ways – and your children, and all children, will be able to study for free and live a dignified, comfortable life.
So there is no property to transfer of anything that is of the Earth to the children – therefore no reason for marriage with regards to legal matters.
Marriage out of love. Eventually our understanding of love will be totally different. In a society of Equality relationships will develop into agreements:  two people agreeing to support each other in facing and exposing themselves to themselves, in a self-honest life – no codependency, but two individuals walking together. People can choose for some kind of ritual of symbol to represent this agreement – this then will be the Equality equivalent of the marriage ritual as we know it right now.

Also see:

Can I pass money on to my children?
Betrothing my estate to my children
When are you ready for an agreement?

We Destonians stand for the removal of this Money-Profit-God from the face of the Earth that always place money first and beings needs last. By implementing a new system, Equal Money, every single human being on this Earth will be provided with the basic needs, like food, housing, clothes, education, health care – equally. No one will have more or less. Removing the fear of survival (where money and profit comes in and with that in-equality because some have it all, and most have nothing: no food, shelter, medical care, education…) because survival is been taking care of. We will be free to express ourselves as we are. And profit making will be something of the past – gone – exit – basta
Visit Desteni and do your research on the guidelines for Equality and learn how to apply them. Also visit our Destonians Wiki on Wikipedia for an overview of what being a Destonian means.


17 November 2011

2011 How will we make sure that items are made to last in an Equal Money System

In our current capitalistic consumerism era products are specifically made to last only for a specific (short) time; then they break and you have to buy a new one. Look at our televisions, refrigerators, computers, bikes, coffee makers, furniture, mp3 players... In the 50s, 60s items were produced to last 'for ages'; not any more - to keep money flowing (into the pockets of corporations) the life span of products is shortened, by using inferior materials or even by deliberately engineering them to fail at a specific time frame.
At the expense of the environment. And the environment is we, is the animals, plants, atmosphere, the earth…
There is no need for this other than profit and money. As the 50s and 60s show, we are capable of producing high quality functional products and so we will in an Equal Money System. We will make sure all products are designed and fabricated in outstanding quality that will last a life time. And made with care and love.
Also: there is no need for the continuous introducing of new models; new models of the same products with just a slight adjustment or (pretended) improvement - like PlayStation and Nintendo, computers, washing powders and cosmetic lotions, claiming to be even better or more exciting than the previous; just deceit and manipulation to make more money by making you believe you can’t do without. In an Equal Money System we will see to it that products are of highest quality and functionality possible, in what we know now and only when new, significant information/techniques is available that is in the interest of all, the design will be improved.
One or two high quality functional models of one product will do - we do not need hundreds of different models from different brands. The competing will end because the money making will end: all effort, skills, knowledge and ingenuity will now be joined to bring forth products that are best for all.

So - no profit making, no deceit. We will not allow any waste of resources nor will we allow the production of items for the sake of money making, profit and consumerism.

We Destonians stand for the removal of this Money-Profit-God from the face of the Earth that always place money first and beings needs last. By implementing a new system, Equal Money, every single human being on this Earth will be provided with the basic needs, like food, housing, clothes, education, health care – equally. No one will have more or less. Removing the fear of survival (where money and profit comes in and with that in-equality because some have it all, and most have nothing: no food, shelter, medical care, education…) because survival is been taking care of. We will be free to express ourselves as we are. And profit making will be something of the past – gone – exit – basta
Visit Desteni and do your research on the guidelines for Equality and learn how to apply them. Also visit our Destonians Wiki on Wikipedia for an overview of what being a Destonian means.

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