23 February 2012

Afterlife: Heaven and Children

history-of-the-interdimensional-portal-DESTENI EQAFE

In this series, various interdimensional beings come through the Portal sharing their first moment of encountering the Portal within the Physical/Interdimensional existence, and within that giving perspective of the existence of heaven / the afterlife and how the experience of heaven for the beings was before and after the Portal opened.

In this interview – a Child gives perspective of his first encounter with the Interdimensional Portal, his process of Death, why children did not join ‘Heaven’ after death but was protected in the Physical and how existence functioned before the existential process started with the opening of the Interdimensional Portal.


It is a story of a boy that died from Leukemia when he was 7 years old. A few moments after he died, the Portal opened… In this interview, the kid shares his first encounter with the Portal.. quite a fascinating story.

Listen to this – free- interview:


The History of the Interdimensional Portal series:

history-of-the-interdimensional-portal-part-1 DESTENI EQAFEHistory of the Interdimensional Portal - Part 1

History of the Interdimensional Portal - Part 2

History of the Interdimensional Portal - Part 3







Self Perfection Merchandise

2012, pass away, decease, child mortality, infant mortality

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