12 March 2008

The Law of my Being – the Law of Me

There is one Law that exists: Oneness and Equality. There is one Law that has always existed: Oneness and Equality – That which you are, who I am – you will experience within and without. The inner one and equal with the outer.

The question is: Is this Law – oneness and equality, as that which you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to – you will experience, manifest and create within you and your world, actually understood?
And furthermore the question: Why has it not been noticed, realised or seen by each one within this world, from the perspective that each one is directly responsible for each refraction, each iota of an experience within themselves their world and this world in its entirety?

Self, I, Me – is the origin, the source that determine the Law of my Being. Self, I, Me determine what I accept and allow me to be one with and equal to as the law of my being.

Thus – the Law of your being is that which you are, who I am, as what you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to within you and as you.

Therefore – all and everything of what you experience within you of yourself in this moment is ‘who you are’ – the ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘Self = the Law of your Being – consisting of all and everything you’ve accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

The question you have to ask yourself is: Is this ‘Me’, this ‘I’, this ‘Self’ that I experience myself to be – how I would want to continue existing infinitely? For a moment take a direct self honest look at yourself as you are right here in this moment looking at yourself, the entirety of you – everything about yourself, especially your thoughts, emotions, feelings – place yourself alone, standing alone: Are you able to exist with yourself infinitely as is?
The other question is: Would you want to? No change – as is, with everything as you are now remaining – going in constant continuous cycles with the exact same thoughts existent within you, the exact same emotions and feelings, the exact same behaviours…you with yourself as the personality defined nature that you are in this moment infinitely…

There exist a misconception within human beings – that when one die it is the end, the end of everything and all of self, of I, of me with the approach to one’s life here on earth as follows: That I may exist in this one life as is and then it’s done – so who or what gives a fuck what I do with me, or who I am or what I ‘choose’ to experience within this life? Believing there to be no consequence, no affect to anything or anyone with regards to ‘who I am’ and ‘what I do’ with me, with self, with I in this ‘one life’ – until it abruptly ends, unexpectedly.

But then again – in having a close, direct self honest look at your life experience in this moment here, day in and day out: Again place yourself alone – Are you able to do this that you experience day and day out – within and throughout infinity. The exact same, precise cycle – the exact same, precise experience – you alone with you experiencing the exact same that you are currently day in and day out – within and throughout infinity?

It doesn’t matter what religion, what faith or what belief you hold within you – these questions are directed to and for YOU to have a direct self honest look at within and as you – for you, self honestly have a look at the questions: Would you be able to ‘live with’ all and everything of ‘who you are’ in this moment here infinitely as is – would you be able to live with you within what you currently do within this world day in and day out into infinity – the exact same, no difference, no change?

In having a self honest look at the questions – one would say: No. Why? Because each one currently within this world is who they are and do what they do within this one life believing it to be all that exist, just this one life.

The next question to ask then is: What are we doing here in this world? Why are we here in this world? Is this really all there is to it – we are ‘who we are’ and ‘we do what we do’ in this moment as is, because of our limited amount of ‘time’ here? If we’re not even able to exist with ourselves as is in this moment here infinitely, if we’re not even able to do what we do day in and day out – no change in who we are and what we do – infinitely, into infinity…what’s going on here?

Is this really how each one would want to continue existing within themselves and their world? This experience of you, this experience of you within this world - is this the kind of experience you would have gifted for yourself? Is this world experience as is how you would’ve manifested it for all, including you, because you also exist within and as it, as the experience of you together with all within it?

Then the next question: How did we get here? How did we become ‘who we are’, ‘who I am’ – how did we come to accept and allow such an experience of ourselves individually in this world? And this goes for each one – because we’re all together in this world.

Therefore, within observing these questions, observing yourself, observing your experience, observing this world, observing all of humanity: There must exist an ingrained, a deeply ingrained acceptance and allowance within each one of how we’re experiencing, of how we’re existing in this world in this moment here. To the point where such questions being asked may seem irrelevant for some – that each one has ceased to ask the very question, the question of SELF, the question of ME, the question of I – the question for SELF, the question for ME, the question for I: How and why did I get here? Is this all there is to me, to I, to self as who I am and what I do in this life here in this world?

Now – to be careful, because many would divert the response to the questions to religion or spirituality or the afterlife, or any form of belief or faith – but it is not to divert the response to the question to anything or anyone else but yourself. I am asking YOU these questions – I am not asking your faith, I am not asking your belief, I am not asking your religion and I am not asking your spirituality – I am not asking anything or anyone else but YOU, here – YOU as the being breathing and reading the words.

Having a look at the Law of my Being, the Law of Me – what has always been ‘missed’, what has never been taken into consideration is SELF – who I am, Me – self, I me – to answer the question of ‘who am I’? and ‘why am I here’ – despite the religions, the spirituality, the beliefs, the faiths – for YOU, for SELF for I, for ME – HAVE a look at the questions – then referring back to the previous questions of this you as you are here now, as you do what you do being able to exist with you alone as is into infinity…

Then why are we existing, why are we living ‘towards something or someone’? Why are we existing, why are we living with the belief, the perception, the idea that this is ‘our only and last life’ here in this world?

Who says we have not returned, life after life within and as the principle of reincarnation – but we just don’t remember, we have forgotten. That we have indeed actually so far – had the exact same lives, with the exact same ‘self’, ‘I’, ‘me’ over and over and over again – life after life after life = but not one can remember, each one has forgotten. Then within each life we presume that this is our only and last life here – then we become who we are and we do what we do – believing this is all there is and then it’s not. Not realising that we will return to this world again, with the exact same life experience, the exact same ‘self’, the exact same ‘I’, the exact same ‘me’ – but will not remember, will not recall.

Have a look at this world – this experience within this world: Has this world ever really changed? No – rape still exists, murder still exists, the money system still exists, abuse still exists, children going missing still exists, nature being destroyed, the earth being destroyed due to consumerism still exists, politics still exists, poverty still exists, starvation still exists, theft still exists, suicide still exists, war still exists, presidents still exists, military, police, security still exists – it’s all still exactly the same. But change has been defined as ‘evolution’ – where what has always existed, what has always been here has merely been ‘upgraded in becoming more advanced’. How have we deluded ourselves into believing that this world has or is actually changing in observing this world in its entirety?

If you look at this world self honestly: It has not changed – it is still exactly the same and each one’s experience within it, humanities experience within it is still exactly the same – though the ‘problem’ becoming more ‘prominent’ due to the vast, extensive amount of beings currently existing on the planet – that it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the dire state this world and humanity is within, within which we exist all together.

In us returning life after life – the exact same ‘me’, the exact same ‘I’, the exact same ‘self’ – returning life after life after life with the exact same experience of me, of self of I, life after life after life – without remembering or recalling the previous life – now taking into consideration all of humanity – it is obvious that if the same ‘I’, the same me, the same self of each and every one return, with the exact same experience within and during the lives – that we will manifest and create – the exact same experience, the exact same world together as one. This is clearly indicated with regards to how this world is as is in this moment here – have a look – this world has gone into ‘one direction’ – remaining stagnant, yet ‘evolving and upgrading’ as building upon a foundation already existent – as a pyramid.

For example: In taking all of humanity as is in this moment here – each one as they are, the exact same definition of themselves as the personality that they are in this moment here – all of humanity, this would be the foundation of the pyramid. Now you ‘recycle’ all of humanity as is, meaning – ‘bring them back to this world to experience themselves within it’ as a ‘new life for each one’, though the I, self, me of each one remaining exactly the same, the very nature, the very law of each one’s being as ‘who they are’ remain exactly the same.
What would occur? Each one would exist as is, as this self, this I, this me as the only self, I, me that they know and understand to exist within and as themselves – and actually build upon the previous foundation of the previous life they had experienced within this world = without even being aware of it.
And so you recycle and recycle, life after life after life all of humanity – as is, the I, the self, the me of each one remaining exactly the same, no change, no difference – and so all of humanity together, build a layer upon layer upon layer as they are recycled from one life to the next – no change, no difference to self, to I, to me – not even being aware that they are experiencing ‘a next life from the previous life from which they had not changed’ – but are without awareness, building and creating and manifesting a world based on what existed before as the first primary foundation of the pyramid with which they’ve started. Therefore recreating the exact same experience of themselves, compounding the exact same experience of all together within this world = this world not changing, humanity not changing – just building and expanding as ‘evolving ‘that which has always been here – that which has always existed.

Have a look at this world – it operates as a pyramid also – and by the looks of it – we’ve reached the tip, the point, the end of the building of the pyramid with regards to ‘evolution’ – because this world is deteriorating, being destroyed – there is nothing more left to ‘build’, to ‘expand’ within and as this world = consumerism reveals this, we’re consuming this world to it’s end, we’re consuming ourselves to our own end…

This world operates as a pyramid as I have indicated from the perspective that nothing in this world has actually ever changed – everything is just compounding, becoming more intense, becoming worse, amplified – constantly just upgrading, expanding and building upon that which has always existed – but the self, the I, the me of each one within and as this world: No different, no change – still the exact same nature, the exact same beingness, the exact same self, I, me of each one within and as this world as all of humanity exists.

The reason why I say we’ve reached the tip, the end, the point of the pyramid – there is nothing more left to ‘build’, to expand upon, to evolve = is because the ‘building’, the ‘expansion’, the ‘evolution’ has transformed into consumerism – taking what does not exist, consuming what does not exist – to the extent where, for example = the food we eat is literally artificial.

So clearly – we have missed something, clearly we are not ‘seeing’ something, clearly we have not realised something, clearly we have not understood something and in having a look at this document thus far: Obviously it is ourSELFves.

What is experienced within us, within each one is experienced withIN, INside ourSELFves – IN-SELF. And we have continued to exist with the exact same self, the exact same I the exact same me – this is all of us, all of humanity, life after life after life, having the exact same experience life after life after life – all together manifesting the exact same world experience life after life after life – manifesting and creating the compounding nature of the experience of us all within and as this world – building the pyramid layer upon layer upon layer to the tip, to the point of it’s completion to where we are now and from where we cannot continue – the consequence: The slow but sure and certain destruction of this world within and as which we exist all together.

Now, this I, this self, this me is that which you currently are and experience you to be: This is the Law of your Being, the Law of I, the Law of Me, the Law of Self = this is YOU – this is what you are and who you are, all and everything of and as you as you sit before your PC and read the words – this is all that you are, all that you have become – have a close look at yourself = this is IT.

And according to his Law of your Being, the Law of your being as the experience of you within yourself and your world as that which you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to = you as it is with each one within and as this world: Manifest the experience of oursSELFves INdividually withIN ourselves and also withIN this world as ourSELFves.

Therefore, you yourself determine ‘who you are’ and ‘how you experience you’ within this world – because who’s here, who’s sitting right here reading these words? YOU are. Who is existing within and as your human physical body in this world? YOU are – YOU, I, me, self.

You are what you are in this moment here by the very Law of your being, as that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to = and this goes for each one within and as this world – we are what we are, we are who we are by the very Law of our being and it is this law of our being that has and is determining the very experience of ourselves individually and all together within and as this world.

Therefore – the principle of oneness and equality has always existed – we’re all one and equal within and as this world. One from the perspective that each one of us is determining the experience of ourselves individually, yet all together within this world because we’re all here, from the very Law of our being as ‘who we are’ as all that we accept and allow ourselves to be one with and equal to within ourselves and accordingly experience and manifest – Equal from the perspective that each one has and is still existing within and as the exact same Law of their Being – no different, no change – manifesting and creating individually yet all together this entire world experience as is – over and over and over again.

So – let’s ‘bring all this back to self, to I, to me’ – to each one individually: What must be taken into consideration is that you are here in this world, you are here within and as your human physical body, you are here breathing, speaking and experiencing yourself – and as we have determined before: This that you are now – you will not be able to exist with or live with into infinity.

So – removing the concept of death, removing the concept of this being your ‘last life’ – the question remain: How would you live within you, as you – ‘as who you are’ within and as you in understanding that you will have to exist and live with you and you alone infinitely?

Take into consideration that ‘you’ is ‘who you are’ within and as you – not related or connected to ‘worldly manifestations’ – I am speaking of ‘who you are within and as you alone’ – you existing with you alone infinitely.

This change the entire perspective with regards to SELF, to I , to ME – to WHO I AM. And this is the poInt that is necessary to be realised – because in this moment – many will have absolute no idea, no clue, no indication of how one is to live, transform SELF, I, ME to be able to exist with SELF, I ME infinitely alone – me being with me alone, here, infinitely – because we’ve taken SELF, I, ME, WHO I AM – for granted. That we have never even actually considered SELF in any way whatsoever – but existed as is as ‘who we are here in this moment’ – because it’s all that’s always been here.

So, again – because we’re all here together, one and equal within and as this world, manifesting and creating and determining the experience of ourselves individually yet all together within and as this world = the principle is ONENESS and EQUALITY.

The responsABILITY exist within and as each and every single ONE of us – to transform the experience of ourselves within ourselves and this world within and as this principle of oneness and equality as follows: We have removed all system-manifestations within and as existence to the extent where each one only has the Law of their Being to purify – to transform only SELF, I, ME as ‘who you are’ for and as you individually within and as the principle of oneness and equality – that’s all each ONE as to ‘work with’ = only purifying the Law of your Being.
In having a look at what we have discussed thus far – it is for you to realise that what you are in this moment within you – this ‘who I am’, is all that you are – nothing ‘more’ and nothing ‘less’. It is this ‘who you are’ that is the current Law of your Being – meaning what you have accepted and allowed you to be. It is this Law of your Being that is determining the experience of you within yourself and your world – and so it for each and every single one within and as this world, including within and as the interdimensional existence – all of us.

Within this – you are what you are and how you experience you to be – because of what you accept and allow yourself to be one with and equal to within and as yourself. Now it is to purify / transform the nature of you – the Law of your Being – to exist so, to live so – that you are able to stand, remain and live with and as yourself alone = INFINITELY.

And the way to do this: Is self honesty and self forgiveness.

And anyone asking – but WHY? Have a look – do you want to return to this world again, again forgetting, again not remembering – ‘starting over’ from the exact same ‘self’, I, me – coming to the exact same point here in this moment – facing the exact same transcendence – to stop existing, living as you have always accepted and allowed yourself to? To finally stop and realise that you must live the transformation required within and as this world and so it is for each one?

Do you want to continue returning to an existence with rape, murder, abuse, war, violence, fear – fearing for your own child’s life, fearing for your own life – not having an actual experience of LIVING you, just compounding, becoming greater, becoming more intense until one finally in one life down the line somewhere realise – I have to be the solution?

And another point of common sense: We exist because this world exists, because earth exists – one and equal – and the nations are multiplying and this earth, this world cannot possibly sustain us at the current rate within and as which we exist – and it’s not due to anything else but WHO WE ARE – within and as ourselves – the very Law of our Being – determining the result, the effect we have within and as this world. And this world is not going to wait for us – either we stand, here in this moment – purify the nature of ourselves, the Law of our Being that has for eons of time determined, manifested and created the experience of ourselves and all together within and as existence – or we will be responsible for the end of ourselves, the end of us – to again, all together start back from the beginning – again experience eons of time of the exact same cycle – get to the exact same point, realization and transcendence: That I as each ONE is responsible for ME, this ME includes all as one as equal – because I am here in this existence together with all as one as equal – and if I do not stop and purify me – nothing will stop and everything will remain as is…

Have a look – no other solution has even sustained itself within and as this world – because the solutions that has been proposed or even exist, make not even a refraction of a difference with regards to the situation within and as this world in it’s entirety. Because the solution must be us, must be ourselves, must be ‘who we are’ – us purifying the Law of our Being, individually – herein purifying the world.

Therefore, in each one taking responsibility for self, finally transforming and purifying the Law of your Being as that which you have accepted and allowed you to be and become – transforming and purifying the experience of you within and as your world with self honesty and self forgiveness for and as self – we ONE by ONE stop the cycle, the experience of us all within and as this world – to no more continue existing as we have for eons of time – but finally put a stop to it and for the first time actually LIVE and not exist in constant continuous fear.

The mind within each one represents the current Law of your Being, the current manifested design of the Law of your Being – representing that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to – within this, determining the experience of you within and as yourself and your world.

Therefore it is to self honestly have a look at yourself in this moment here – you as the mind representing the current manifested Law of your Being that you are ‘living’ – which we have come to accept as living – but this living is an absolute atrocity as indicated within and as the atrocities that exist within and as this world currently.

This experience of ourselves within this world is not life, is not living and one would be a fool to even think and believe that. This experience of ourselves in this world, within ourselves is as it is – because of the ingrained acceptance and allowance of the Law of our Being as the representation of the mind as all that we are = it is not.

In applying the tools as self honesty and self forgiveness = herein you purify the Law of your Being – to no more accept and allow you to be one with and equal to the mind as that which represents the Law of your Being as that which you have always accepted and allowed you to be. But realise the Law of your Being is YOU as LIFE – not the MIND as what you have always been. So within applying self honesty and self forgiveness – you begin the process of standing one and equal with YOU as who you really are as LIFE – and not the mind as that which you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to in separation.

Therefore you will stand one and equal with and as you as who you really are as life – and thus experience you as who you really are as life as you – and no more as the mind as that which have always for eons of time been the Law of your Being as the representation of all and everything you have accepted and allowed you to be one with and equal to and therefore experienced.

And so each one stop the cycle – the exact same cycle we’ve existed within, as and with the mind representing what we’ve always been and thus manifesting what we’ve always constantly and continuously experienced as this world experience indicate in this moment here.

As each one stop within themselves, purify the law of their being as what the mind represents with self honesty and self forgiveness and stand as life as all as one as equal = Life as all as one as equal as the Law of our Being as who I am – we will experience and manifest who I am as who we are as life.

And thus for the fist time within and as existence – actually live life as who we are as all as one as equal.

And have a look – this solution stand for each one equally – no matter where are you within this world – no matter in what situation you experience yourself within – self honesty and self forgiveness in purifying the Law of your Being as that which the mind is and has represented – to stop what we have always accepted and allowed ourselves to be one with and equal to as the mind, to stand one and equal with and as Life as who we really are – is HERE.

The solution is SELF – purifying the Law of your Being – and so it is for each one equally.

Tue Mar 04, 2008

The law of your being is 'who you are' - meaning all and everything you've accepted and allowed you to be and become, therefore the 'law of your being' is not separate from you - the law of your being is you - is 'that which you are' - the 'who I am' - as all and everything you've accepted and allowed you to be and become.
Therefore - it is 'who you are' 'who you were' - as all and everything of you - that accepted and allowed the enslavement within you and existence, because you accepted and allowed fear to have power and control over you = therefore, because of fear - accepted and allowed enslavement.

It's not about choice - you either exist within fear or you do not exist within fear - this is not about choice, but about what you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to.

If you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to fear = you will be and experience fear and thus manifest and create fear within you and your world.
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